Report for Day 0 of LinuxCon Beijing 2017
by Zamir
Actually it is not the day before the event – it is the Friday before LinuxCon. Today Red Hat Beijing hold a half-day public event named ‘Educational Day’. In this event, Red Hat sponsored communities did their introduction and Fedora is of course one of them.
Of all the speakers presented, there are Brian Exelbierd and Gerard Braad from Fedora, Jim Perrin and Brian Stinson from CentOS, Amye Scavada from Gluster Community Jennifer Madriaga and FU Wei from other community related teams in Red Hat.
I was busy with my dayjob so I missed the beginning. By the time I join, I am asked to help do some interpreting, as some of the online attendees just have difficulties understand their English. To be honesty, I also feel the oral language of the speakers is generally too fast for Chinese students. Although I can catch what they are saying, I can hardly remember all! So by the time Gerard talk about WSL and involving in Fedora, I helped by doing some interpreting.
FU Wei then introduced how to make a ISO image for CentOS (a bit aarch64 but still generic). Then after a Q&A session, we all head for a meet-and-greet style dinner.
During dinner time, Tonghui reached out to me and talking about getting more people to work for GSoC projects of Fedora. Personally I don’t think that is a good idea. GSoC is generally open source related, yes. But it is not so Fedora specified. So I don’t think I have the right way of making that really happen for Fedora, especially we need long time Fedora contributors instead of short time GSoC students.
Since I live near to their hotel, I go with Brian Exelbierd and others together to the hotel after the meal. We’ve been talking about how to improve the Fedora community in China on the way. One idea Brian mentioned is, try to make the professions join the community. While as an associate engineer, I don’t think I can make that happen. But I still stick on trying to get students involved, which should work for me. For the current status, I know language is a barrier, but we should still work out someway to reduce it. Or at least make it not a blocker. And what is more, we are really too busy with our dayjob, so we need to try hard to make any plan into practice instead of just having it as a plan in mind.
Let’s just see how it goes.
Since APAC has been not responsice for some time, this time we only make some general contact card from my own pocket. And other swags are either sponsored by Red Hat or our remaining ones from previous events.
We also requested for a badge for this series of events. But however the badge is not pushed yet. I am marking down the ones that reach out to me already in case I missed someone.
gbraad, bex, pany, tonghuix, a126ium and of course me