Report for Day 1 of Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015
by Zamir
The weather is sunny than yesterday. However we arrived a little late than expected
We got a seat in the booth for distribute the Fedora 21 DVDs. As I am here without other Fedora guys, I have to handle the booth as well as some speaker related things and thus I can not stay in the booth for long. So I we just put up a sign as “Serve yourself” during the time I am not there.
The conference begins with the introduction of the event and then comes the keynote from Amazon AWS. Then there are 5 parallel tracks however I am not interested in any of the topics so I just come back to the booth.
After lunch, I met with Jeff from Anthon OS community. We talked a lot on community developing, and a lot of other interesting things. We all agree that when a community is not so big (we do not have so many ambassadors offline in Beijing and their community overall is also very small) we should take the current members in to great conserdation so that we can keep with the current contributors and then we can extend the community.
By the closing of the first day, we distributed out about 70 Live DVDs.
It seems mandarin here is not widely understood while I knew few of Cantonese, so I have to use English to help the local people to understand my mandarin during the daily life. I was not sleeping well last night so after the event I head directly to the hotel.